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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 | Batam Jobs

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 | Batam Jobs

Tips Aman Memilih Lowongan Kerja diInternet

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 07:48 AM PST

Waspada Penipuan Info Loker
Tujuan utama adalah untuk membantu para pencari kerja dalam memperoleh Info Pekerjaan. Bukan malah menyulitkan apalagi merugikan. Oleh karena itu menghimbau kepada pencari kerja agar lebih cermat dalam melamar pekerjaan. Dan berikut sedikit Tips Aman Memilih Lowongan Kerja di Internet dan berikut cara memilih lowongan kerja yang aman:

1. Informasi Perusahaan

Lowongan Kerja yang berasal dari perusahaan ternama sudah tidak diragukan lagi keabsahannya, namun yang perlu di waspadai adalah bilamana nama perusahaan yang membuka Lowongan Kerja tidak pernah dikenali sebelumnya. Maka hal yang harus di lakukan adalah mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin mengenai profil perusahaan tersebut bisa melalui media search engine, yellowpages, forum atau referensi rekan lainnya.

2. Lokasi Perusahaan/Tempat Kerja

Cari tahu alamat perusahaan yang membuka Lowongan Kerja sebelum mengajukan lamaran, bisa dengan Google Map, Google Earth atau sejenisnya. Pastikan alamat perusahaan dengan penemuan anda di media yang disebutkan diatas cocok dan sama. Catatan Penting: Lokasi perusahaan sangat berpengaruh pada kreadibilitas dan kualitas dari perusahaan. Bila hanya mengontrak di satu ruangan kecil maka perlu dipertanyakan kembali pada diri anda.

3. Iming-Iming

Berpikir secara rasional dan jangan termakan manisnya janji gaji yang ditawarkan. Posisikan diri dengan jabatan dan gaji apakah relevan dan masuk akal? Pelajari betul mengenai hal hal yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan, seperti posisi, job desc, responsible, requirement, dll. Dimana semua harus sebanding.

4. Uang

Lowongan Kerja dengan modus penipuan pasti ujungnya duit/uang. Mereka akan meminta sejumlah uang, baik itu karena alasan administrasi seperti uang formulir, uang registrasi, pembayaran masa training atau pendidikan atau lainnya, bila anda menemukan dan mencium gelagat semacam ini maka sejak dini hindari dan pergi jauh-jauh. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan bagi pencaker adalah perusahaan yang baik dan benar tidak akan meminta/memungut uang sepeserpun kepada calon karyawannya dan ini harus ditanam dalam-dalam di ingatan oleh semua pencari kerja.

5. Tergesa

Jangan cepat mengambil keputusan alias terburu-buru dalam menentukan pekerjaan yang dilamar.  Pastikan anda mendapatkan perusahaan dan pekerjaan serta gaji yang sesuai dengan kapasitas yang dimiliki.

Disamping memberi Tips Aman Memilih Lowongan Kerja di Internet dibawah ini adalah sepenggal contoh iklan lowongan kerja yang perlu diwaspadai kebenarannya:

Ciri Ciri Penipuan Lowongan Kerja
  • Hari ini lamaran besok langsung kerja
  • Kerja gaji minimal 5 juta per bulan
  • Langsung diterima
  • Langsung kerja, tanpa ijazah
  • Kerja kantoran tanpa ijazah, cukup KTP saja
  • Kerja luar negeri, besok langsung berangkat ke bandara
  • Mau penghasilan berjuta juta, segera hubungi
Pastinya masih banyak lagi Modus Modus Penipun Info Loker  karena itu tolong cermat dan bijaklah sebelum memutuskan untuk melamar suatu pekerjaan. Semoga bermanfaat dan sebarkan Postingan ini pada rekan-rekan kita lainnya. Terimakasih Banyak.

Lowongan Kerja Angkasa Jaya March 2013

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 10:33 PM PST

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Maret Angkasa Jaya
Lowongan Kerja PT Angkasa Jaya, adalah perusahaan General Trading yang di percayai oleh client kami, diantaranya PT EPSON INDONESIA, PT KAYABA dan PT AWINDO.

PT Angkasa Jaya sedang membutuhkan karyawan melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 sebagai:

Operator Produksi

Kualifikasi :
• Pria/Wanita
• Usia 18-30 tahun
• Pendidikan terakhir minimal sma/smk/stm
• Pengalaman/non pengalaman

• Gaji pokok 4.000.000
• Lembur normativ
• Jamsostek+insetif
• Uang makan + transport
• Kontrak PT

Lowongan terbatas!
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan sesuai dengan kualifikasi di atas:
1. Silahkan kirimkan CV atau lamaran via e-mail
2. Kirimkan via sms dengan format (nama#umur#alamat#pendidikan#posisi yg dilamar) kirimkan ke no staff personalia: 087881087069 (Ibu Putri)

Kirim segera lamaran anda ke:

Lowongan Terbaru 2013 Angkasa Jaya Maret

Email :
Expired : 04 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI March 2013

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 09:21 PM PST

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Maret Bank BRI
Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI, dengan kepanjangan Bank Rakyat Indonesia adalah salah satu bank milik pemerintah yang terbesar di Indonesia yang sejarahnya berdiri tanggal 16 Desember 1895 di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah oleh Raden Bei Aria Wirjaatmadja dengan nama De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoofden atau Bank Bantuan dan Simpanan Milik Kaum Priyayi Purwokerto, sebagai lembaga keuangan yang melayani orang-orang berkebangsaan Indonesia (pribumi).

Bank Rakyat Indonesia saat ini membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 dengan memberi kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik untuk bergabung dalam rangkaian JOB EXPO BRI 2013 :

Resident Auditor

• Berpengalaman sebagai Auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) atau Consulting Group â€" Auditor, atau Bank / Lembaga Keuangan Internal Auditor minimal 3 (tiga) tahun.
• Usia maksimal 35 tahun
• S2 atau Sarjana (S1) dari Fakultas Ekonomi, Hukum, Teknik, FISIP (Trade Administration), Pertanian dan Peternakan dari PTN / PTS dengan nilai akreditasi A / B.
• IPK minimal untuk Sarjana (S1) 2,75 dari 4,00 skala
• IPK minimal untuk Master (S2) 3,25 dengan minimum Sarjana (S1) IPK 2,75 dan lulus dari fakultas seperti yang tercantum di atas
• Mahir berbahasa Inggris
• Penempatan di Kantor Cabang di seluruh Indonesia, dan lebih diutamakan untuk ditempatkan pada Kantor Cabang dalam Satuan Kantor Inspeksi di wilayah asal pelamar.

Progam Pengembangan Staf PPS BRI (Umum, Auditor dan IT)

• Sarjana (S1) / (S2) gelar dari universitas terkemuka dengan nilai akreditasi A atau B.
• PPS UMUM: lulus dari fakultas / jurusan Ekonomi, Hukum, Teknik, Pertanian Teknologi, Psikologi, Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan, Fisipol (hanya untuk Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Komunikasi, Administrasi Fiskal, Administrasi Perdagangan dan Administrasi Negara), MIPA ( hanya untuk Departemen Matematika, Statistik).
• PPS Auditor: lulus dari fakultas / jurusan Ekonomi, Hukum, Teknik, Pertanian, Fisipol (hanya untuk Departemen Administrasi Fiskal, Administrasi Perdagangan dan Administrasi Negara), MIPA (hanya untuk Departemen Matematika, Statistik).
• PPS IT: lulus dari fakultas / jurusan Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Elektro.
• IPK minimal 3,00 untuk Sarjana.
• IPK minimal 3,25 untuk S2 dengan IPK minimal 3.00 Sarjana.
• Usia maksimal 27 tahun untuk Sarjana dan 30 tahun untuk S2
• Diprioritaskan bagi mereka yang tidak pernah telah terdaftar sebagai peserta PPS BRI.
• Bersedia untuk menghadiri semua tahapan seleksi.
• Belum menikah, dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah sampai dengan 1 tahun dari diangkat sebagai karyawan BRI permanen.
• Bersedia ditempatkan di semua unit BRI di seluruh Indonesia dan luar negeri.
• Bersedia untuk menandatangani Surat Perjanjian dengan BRI jika sudah diterima sebagai peserta PPS BRI.

Lowongan Terbaru 2013 Bank BRI Maret



6 â€" 7 Maret 2013 : Universitas Brawijaya â€" Gedung Samantha Krida, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
11 â€" 14 April 2013 : Universitas Airlangga â€" Auditorium (Airlangga Convention Center), Kampus C â€" Mulyorejo, Surabaya.

Lowongan Kerja Shell Indonesia April 2013

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 05:51 AM PST

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru April Shell Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Shell Indonesia, sejarahnya bermula di tahun 1902 dimana Shell dan Royal Dutch membentuk usaha patungan untuk menangani pengiriman dan pemasaran kedua perusahaan The Shell Transport and Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. Ltd. Dan akhirnya, pada tanggal 24 Februari 1907, terbentuklah Royal Dutch/ Shell Group of Companies yang kemudian dikenal di seluruh dunia sebagai "Shell". Tiga tahun setelah itu 1910, grup Shell menggandeng perusahaan produksi lain di Indonesia dan pada tanggal 24 Juni 1911, membeli Dordtsche Petroleum Mij maka lengkaplah kehadiran Shell dalam industri minyak di Indonesia.

Shell Indonesia dalam hal ini Shell merupakan pemain utama dalam pasar pelumas industri, dengan semakin meningkatnya kebetuhan pasar dan bisnis, melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan karyawan melalui dengan posisi:

Electrical & Instrumentation Engineer
Job ID: A34840

• Accountable for safe,on cost and schedule delivery and assurance for Monas project execution and construction activities.
• Engage work scope all contract holders to ensure the construction work plan and their scopes are aligned and that execution proceeds in line with agreed scope.
• Manage and resolve construction and interface issues or conflicts as they arise.
• Interface with operations for seamless HSSE,commissioning,and handover operations.
• Drive Total Quality System performance and Goal Zero.
• Responsible for the development and ongoing improvement of preferred construction contractor relationships as it relates to project construction.
• Delivering on site construction quality,cost and schedule targets against agreed performance measures.
• Identifying and implementing cost and schedule reduction initiatives without compromising HSSE,technical integrity or quality.
• Drive Goal Zero,HSE Management System objectives. Work closely with other functional groups to deliver specific Project goals.
• Demonstrate strong support for team and corporate values of Life Saving Rules and General Business Principal.

• Graduated Engineer in Engineering (Instrumentation or Electrical Engineer) or equivalent education
• 8 Years related experience mix both site and office project related.
• Field Instrumentation expertise
• Control Measurement & Automation and Safeguarding Systems
• Project Delivery - Work Planning - Resource & Schedule Management
• Instrumentation and Electrical engineering knowledge
• Sound knowledge of Distributed Control Systems, Piping & Instrumentation Diagram Control, process control etc.
• Sound awareness in project governess process, cost estimations and computer applications such as excel
• Lead / steer and managing EPC Contractor's Discipline Engineers
• Closing Date 31 March 2013

S&D HSSE Advisor-Shell Indonesia
Job ID: A34636

Primary focus areas include providing:
• Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Health, Safety & Environment
• Accountability on providing HSSE Assurance to the Supply & Distribution Management
• Facilitating HSSE Training to support line in the competence mgt of Shell and Contract staff

Scope of S&D business includes Petroleum Storage Terminal Operations, Primary Transport (Road/Marine/Pipeline), Road & Marine Secondary Transport
• Manage the delivery of targets in the areas of HSSE performance, cost reduction, process improvement and standardisation.
• Upkeep live HSSE-MS/HSSE plan/HEMP (Hazards & Effects Mgt Process) and promote Chronic Un-ease/ H&M (Hearts & Mind) culture to achieve sustainable development goals and HSSE excellence.
• Support cluster and regional network best practice across the portfolio.
• Develop operational and technical staff by participation in Regional and Global projects and in conjunction with the East HSSE Manager

• Accountable for giving professional and timely HSSE advice and risk-based assurance aligned with Shell Global HSSE Standards and assist Business in maintaining a pro-active Generative HSSE culture to achieve Goal Zero- supporting Shell Group's aspiration of No Harm to People which includes Shell's staff, Contract staff and its neighbours as a result of its business activities
• Assist S&D line to establish realistic and risk-based HSSE targets
• Provide HSSE expertise & conduct training relevant to routine HSSE activities e.g., MOC (Mgt of Change), PTW (Permit-to-Work), HSSE Self-Assurance LoD1 (Line-of-Defence 1) , etc.
• Assisting line in Incident Investigation and provide expertise to analyse incident trends and learnings
• Provide assistance in HEMP development (A system for identifying Hazards in operations and putting in risk-based controls and recovery barriers) and necessary assurance on its effective implementation through LoD1 independent HSSE assurance
• HSSE-MS compliance and follow-up with contractors. Participation in RT (Road Transport) & Project contractor appraisals (Green Banding), audits and follow-ups.
• Assist S&D line in developing and monitoring SP Plan as per HSSE-CF requirements.
• Providing expertise in managing environmental issues and reporting as per HSSE-CF (Control Framework) requirements e.g., Waste management, effluent water quality and air emissions monitoring including any requirements (Local legislative/Group) pertaining to soil and groundwater investigations/remediation.
• Assist S&D line in the implementation of the Chronic Un-ease/Hearts &Minds Culture for Shell staff and Contractors.
• Accredited to deliver GPTW (Global Permit-to-Work) training and accreditation for local Permit Issuer and Lead Permit Issuer.
• Jointly with Business Line liaising with MTA (Marine Tech Advisor) to effectively manage Maritime Risks
• Contribute to and coordinate Security Risk Assessment for Facilities and RT Operations.
• Support line management in applications and maintenance of local licence to operate permits and follow-up.
• Closing Date 30 April 2013

South East Asia Security Manager
Job ID: A34309

• Coordinating the provision of security support to all business activities in the region,including upstream and downstream operations and all supporting functions as required.
• Ensuring that the risks posed from terrorism,armed conflict,violent and organised crime,activism,civil unrest and commercial espionage in the region are brought to senior management attention with appropriate advice on mitigation.
• Provision of Maritime Security advice to businesses operating in the East Asia region,in particular the South China Sea and waters around Indonesia,Malaysia and the Philippines.
• Establishing effective Information Security protocols and managing Information Risk Control Measures relative to the threat.
• Overseeing and implementing the Group Security Standards and ensuring business compliance with all protocols and procedures.
• Timely and effective response to security incidents and ensuring corrective action is implemented.
• Providing annual assurance that all Government and Industry security compliance obligations are met.
• Establishing and maintaining an appropriate network of security and intelligence contacts in government,business and with commercial security providers.
• Managing travelers,VIP visitors and expatriate security arrangements.
• Ensuring all operations are conducted within the guidelines of the Company General Business Principles and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR).

• A high calibre security professional with 5 - 10 years relevant commercial security management experience.
• Detailed knowledge of Maritime Security issues in the region. ISPS Code Qualifications are desirable.
• Experience in Information Risk Management.
• A good network of contacts throughout Government, oil and energy industries and the commercial security environment.
• Ability to manage, lead and motivate employees with security responsibilities.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in English and Bahasa.
• Must be capable of producing high-quality written reports and security briefs.
• Analytical ability and sound judgment.
• A motivated individual with high levels of energy, excellent team working skills, a positive attitude, and when required, be prepared to stretch personal and business goals.
• Ability to operate effectively within a multicultural environment.
30 April 2013

Finance Advisor
Job ID: A34235

• Interface Management with Class of Business/Functions Finance and Finance Operations.
• Co-ordinates the preparation of the statutory financial statements,internal and external key stakeholder's financials reporting packs.
• Support the deputy controller in managing key internal and external stakeholders relationship i.e. external auditors,minority shareholders,board of directors etc.
• Act as a subject matter expert for financial accounting policies and statements (IFRS,PSAK) and providing accounting expertise and support to Class of Business/Functions Finance.
• Country level coordination of planning and appraisal process for Functions
monitoring & updating cost centre structure in compliance with Management Information standards
• Providing Controllers latest estimates as required
• Acting as local subject matter expert for Manual of Authority (MoA) tool
• Acting as local focal point for integrity of Balance Sheet Information
• Handle business initiatives and other projects as and when required

This position requires an individual from the accounting profession who has excellent technical knowledge & experience,able to focus and prioritize,strong influencing and communication skills to engage with finance and non-finance staff on Downstream financial operations,cost reporting issues,ensuring timely,accurate and reliable financial reporting and compliance with statutory requirements within a robust financial control framework.

• Degree in the areas of Business, Finance or Accounting and/or MBA and/or professional certification(s) preferred with 5-6 years experience
• Strong motivation in maintaining technical expertise in the field of accounting policy to ensure constant updates to knowledge on changes in the accounting standards and policies
• Strong technical knowledge, analytical skills and experience to provide accounting and financial advice to finance colleagues and managers
• Highly disciplined in meeting deadlines and ability to deliver results under pressure
• Team work focused to deliver results and meeting business needs
• Motivation and drive to deliver changes, to improve processes and results
• Good communication and interpersonal skills
• Ability to work effectively with local teams and virtual team in Finance Operations and relevant stakeholders at Group level
• SAP knowledge and controls
• Good PC skills
• Ability to work effectively with different cultures in a Diversity & Inclusiveness compliant manner
• Closing Date 22 March 2013

Integrated Gas Finance Analyst
Job ID: A33500

• The Integrated Gas Finance Analyst will be part of a dedicated finance support team facilitating delivery of the Abadi project. The Abadi gas field is a world-class asset, with recoverable volumes of about 18.5 Tcf. Shell is a 30% shareholder of the JV that manages the field and became the project's strategic non-operating partner.
• The Integrated Gas Finance Analyst supports the assurance that Shell's JV interest as a non-operating shareholder in the Masela Production Sharing Contract are safeguarded and properly reported. He/she advises and supports the Finance Manager and the wider team in all finance, contracting and procurement, governance and risk management aspects.
• Planning & Budgeting:
Initiate cost build process and work with Finance and Technical managers for inputs; connect with JV finance focal to get better understanding of the costs proposed in the Work Program & Budgets; coordinate the business planning and budgeting exercise for the project. Enable review of the plan and the resulting financials and seek functional and management endorsement for submission to Business One.
• Reporting and Performance Management:
Facilitate monthly review of financial reports with Shell Business Service Centre and support the production of timely relevant and compelling management information to track performance. Prepare monthly expenditure reports and commentaries for submission to regional planning team. Organize and prepare quarterly expenditure review materials and support the Finance Manager in the review process with the project team. The expenditure review is a critical part of project performance tracking. Liaise with the wider project team as well as partners on the preparation of latest estimates against plans and budgets and provide constructive challenge towards a credible Latest Estimate to help in decision-making and submission to regional planning team and cost reporting system (ECR).
Governance, Risk & Assurance: play an integral role in the management of business risks including the establishment and maintenance of an appropriate risk control framework
• Business and Financial Controls:
Focal point for financial and business controls for the project
Ensure processes are SOx compliant and are embedded within Shell Upstream Companies in Indonesia to maintain ongoing compliance
Focal point in the team to coordinate for JV partners audit
Coordinate as necessary with Finance Operations in relation to invoice management & payments; master data creation and bank account management
Prepare cash forecast inputs to Finance Operations and initiate request for foreign currency requirements
Liaise with the Indonesian Country Tax Manager on finance reports requiring tax inputs (expenditure forecast for tax reporting in the UK) and quarterly tax provisioning review.
Coordinate with Project Services team to ensure accurate P&T charges to governance team
Oversee deliverables of contract staff - deputise Finance Manager as and when required

• An experienced finance professional with strong business acumen
• Good interpersonal and influencing skills, able to communicate issues both with senior project & business leaders as well as with external stakeholders
• Sound understanding and appreciation of Upstream/Integrated Gas business, business planning processes and systems
• Understanding of Indonesian regulatory requirements will be an added advantage
• Visibly demonstrate personal commitment to drive towards excellence
• Show respect for diversity, including individual cultures and local circumstances
• Proficient English
• Closing Date 30 April 2013

Terminal Operation Supervisor
Job ID: A33080

• Operate at the correct standards in a team that provides receipt,storage and loading operations and takes care of calling-out maintenance and supply of product under existing agreements
•  Ensure the customers always safely receive the right product
• Comply and enforce HSSE standards and procedures including PPE requirements
• Take corrective action when contractors,crews or personnel do not obey rules
• Product Handling and control: Recognises oil products to be in line with specifications,applies terminal handling and product transfer procedures,and applies product control and measurement,including daily tank and meter reconciliation
• Manage Ship To Shore Operations: Applies cargo administration,Loads/discharges vessels,manages and maintains port/jetty and applies port/jetty HSSE
• Tank farm: Tank dipping and sampling,water draining,cleaning
• Permit to work system; confined space entry,control of electrostatic hazards and working at heights
• Fuel additive handling and dosing,product testing and quality control
• Fire fighting,emergency response/oil spill management
• Ensure availability of equipment to target requirement levels. Acts as trouble-shooter when systems fail

• Residing in the relevant city / willing to be relocated there
• Bulk terminal operations experience desired.
• Good communication, management and leadership skills required.
• Ability to respond appropriately to emergency situation is essential
• Graduate in Engineering is preferred.
• Ability to respond appropriately to immediate situations/emergency would be essential
• Working knowledge of fleet operations.
• Good leadership and team building skills
• Good written and communication skills
• Closing Date 30 April 2013

Marketing Manager,Commercial Fuels
Job ID: A33038

• This role will lead & support strategic fuels marketing initiatives for both Direct and Indirect Channel for Commercial Fuels Indonesia, Support business development efforts and sales improvement projects,particularly in the area of developing and launching new Customer Value Propositions,lead generation process, RTM/indirect strategy development,identifying new growth envelopes to drive business growth for Indonesia.
• Position involves co-ordination and leadership of small virtual teams (local,regional & global) and will also play a supervisory role for contract staff (if required)

• Minimum 5-8 years working experience in Marketing and/or Business Development B2B for Oil and Gas, Mining, Power or Manufacturing sector
• Minimum Graduate with honours or Post-Graduate MBA holder in Business, Economics or Engineering
• Experienced in consultancy, working across matrix organisations, across different countries would be an added advantage
• Strong communication skills - both English and Bahasa Indonesia
• Self-starting, able to operate with virtual/minimal supervision
• Strong leadership/interpersonal/commercial acumen, proven ability to influence indirect/virtual teams
• Proven project management, co-ordination of project teams, accountability for delivery within agreed deadlines
• Strategic capacity, proven analytical skills, experience in financial/analytical decision making
• Understanding of Fuels Supply Chain and Oil and Gas industry developments for Indonesia
• Closing Date 30 April 2013

HSSE Advisor
Job ID: A29764

• As part of Shell's Project team for the construction of the Lubricaton Oil Blending Plant heading towards the execution phase we seek an HSSE support for the local Indonesian Project Team to ensure compliance to Shell Group HSSE requirements,local HSSE legislations and other applicable requirements. This role will cover the all aspects from total implementation of strategy into a tenderdocument for EPC,to execution and into commissioning. In a later stage during the construction and preparation of the operational organisation,it's expected to support the newly to be formed Operation team in the HSSE System develoment,set-up,training and implementation.
• To ensure full compliance with Shell Group HSSE requirements,Shell Lubricants HSSE requirements and all applicable local HSSE legal requirements in the Indonesia Greenfield project;
• Maintain a "live" HSSE Management System to ensure systems are in place to manage HSSE risks to ALARP to achieve continuous improvement;
• Provide HSSE support to local project team in the implementation of HSSE&SP policies,standards and initiatives such as Hearts and Minds,HSSE Golden Rules,Life Saving Rules etc to raise and enhance the HSSE culture of the workplace,including contractors;
• Implement HSSE plans and regularly monitor,evaluate and accurately report performance back to relevant stakeholders;
• Identify key HSSE risks in the Project and provide specialist support and advice on any elements of the HSSE-MS,to address the gaps and proactively manage risks;
• Develop and implement HSSE training programs to raise awareness and transfer best practices amongst staff and contractor,provide HSSE induction training for new employees,and other HSSE training of HSSE critical processes;
• Conduct training to build HSSE competency for all HSSE critical positions with gap closure plans in place,
• Ensure prompt reporting and facilitate in the investigation of all incidents,check that all identified gaps are properly closed out and timely communication of all learning from incidents to relevant stakeholders;
• Carry out regular site safety inspections walks and participate in HSSE audits
• Ensure all channels of HSSE communication are conducted effectively on site,such as Toolbox meetings and organizing and participating in HSSE meetings.
• To verify and enforce contractor management system are in place and operational;
• Ensure the permit to work system (execution-,commissioning- and operation phases) and MOC are in place and effectively implemented;
• Develop and ensure robustness of Emergency Response Plans,Medical ERPs and Business Continuity Plans through regular drills.

• University degree in Safety, Engineering or Commercial Discipline.
• Min 6- 8-years proven experience in HSSE management field, mainly construction and preferably commissioning. Experience in the oil- and Gas is an advantage.
• Independent , leadership skill, can work with minimum supervision
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
• Good in computer skill
• Closing Date 30 April 2013

Lowongan Terbaru 2013 Shell Indonesia April

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